* Click on a question to reveal the answer
Gameplay and Rules
Does it hurt to be hit with one of the balls?
The balls are as soft and safe as possible. Getting hit doesn’t usually hurt at all, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get hurt playing the game. Please be mindful of your position in relation to the court and to other players.
It’s foam! It doesn’t hurt!
Am I too young/old to play dodgeball?
Although we require all of our players to be 19 and over, there is no upper limit.
If someone is hit on the head, are they out?
As the rule stands, any direct ball contact with the body is considered a hit. With that said, CDL has always placed a top priority on the safety of its players and discourages any player from throwing the ball at another player above the shoulders. There are disciplinary measures in place to deal with repeat headshot offenders.
Can I be “saved” if I am hit and my teammate catches the ball?
No. The only way to stay in the game after a direct hit is to catch the ball yourself immediately after the hit (without the ball touching anything in between)
Can I cross the centre line during the opening rush?
Yes. After the opening rush, any touching or crossing of the centre line or of the opposing team’s court is considered an elimination. You cannot. However, contact or cross the sidelines at any time.
Why does CDL use peer referees instead of paid ones?
Unlike many other sports, CDL’s style of dodgeball is primarily based on spirit and the honour system. The referees are only present to help facilitate a smooth game and not make every single call. Having peer referees encourages all players to share in the responsibility of keeping the game fair. The quality of refereeing may vary depending on the experience of the players. However, paid referees would undermine the spirit of the game by discouraging players from calling themselves out and placing that responsibility on the referees.
Reffing keeps the game moving smoothly
League Play
Does CDL have a recreational tier?
No, however teams are constantly being moved between tiers over the course of a season, ensuring that teams ultimately end up competing against other teams of a similar skill level.
Will my team play every other team once in the season?
Although we do our very best to have each team play as many different teams as possible, it is not possible to schedule games with every other team. The number of different teams played is limited by the number of teams, number of weeks in the season, which tier your team is in during the season, and the time allotment for each gym.
Where can I purchase a CDL shirt?
For more information, please contact our Merchandise Coordinator. Their email can be found on this page: contact our Merchandise Coordinator.
CDL Organization
Are the executives and organizers paid?
CDL is a community driven organization completely run by volunteers. No one is paid. We do, however, give back to players and volunteers alike, in the form of Party, Party, Parties every week at Woody’s, and other events such as our legendary Extravaganza and Playoff After parties!