Top Ten Ways to Improve the CDL
*As taken from our entirely imaginary suggestion box*
10. A Suggestion Box.
9. More Costumes- Team t-shirts have always been a big part of the CDL. Some t-shirts are great because of their creativity (Dodgital) and some of them are great because of their craftsmanship (Sesame Street). But what ever happened to full on costumes? Cowboys? Aliens? Ninjas? Zombies? Wouldn’t it be something to see a Spice Girl put her moves on a dodgeball court?
8. More Chicks- I’ve long held on to the belief that teams should be comprised of 3 guys and girls on the court at all times. Is anyone possibly against this idea?
7. New Party Song- Must include clapping and no more than 8 words. Apply within.
6. Trick Shot Challenge- We should give a prize to whoever can capture the coolest in-game trick shot. Get your ninja rolls, cartwheels, back flips and elaborate props ready!! *Insurance Provider’s Note: Please do not do this*
5. CDL Mascot- You’re all going to love Pushy the CDL Party Penguin. Trust me.
4. Elaborate Team Cheers- Because “(insert team name here) on three!!” just isn’t doing it anymore. There should be a Dodgy Award for the best cheer or something.
3. 5 Second Rule- Things would go a lot faster. Just sayin’…
2. Champions League- The International Dodgeball Association is now comprised of 4 leagues with more to come (okay so isn’t all that “International” of an organization quite yet). I think I’m going to officially throw down the gauntlet and challenge all other leagues to a tournament to see who’s the best of the best. I’d put my money on Settlers of Coquitlam, Pooky Bears or Formerly Known As against the best of any other league any day!
1. Go 4 the Show- There’s a reason it’s called a Showdown and not a Faceoff. The most exciting play in dodgeball should happen more often and with more extravagance. I’m all for awarding style points during show downs. Give the people what they want!!!